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أبومسلم المصرى 08-02-2008 03:38 PM

ملف متكامل عن شهر رمضان: مسائل وأحكام، مواعظ وآداب، فتاوى مختارة
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الحمد لله رب العالمين، وصلى الله وسلّم وبارك على نبينا محمد، وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين، أمّا بعدُ:

يطيب لإخوانكم في موقع الألوكة تهنئتكم بقرب حلول شهر الطاعات والخير شهر رمضان المبارك، سائلين من الله العلي القدير أن يبلغنا وإياكم الشهر في أوفر صحة وأتم حال، وأن يتقبّل منّا ومنكم صالح الأعمال، وأن يجعلنا من يصومه ويقومه احتساباً ليغفر له ما تقدم من ذنبه.

وبهذه المناسبة الكريمة فإننا نقدم للقراء مجموعة مختارة من المواد الشرعية المتعلقة بشهر رمضان المبارك، تشتمل على نبذة من الأحكام المختصة بالشهر وما يحتاج إليه الصائم والقائم من فقه تلك العبادات، إضافة إلى العديد من المواعظ والآداب الشرعية، مع ملحق خاص بفتاوى كبار العلماء في المسائل النازلة التي يحتاج المسلم فيها إلى بيان الحكم الشرعي.

نسأل الله سبحانه وتعالى أن يفقهنا وإياكم في دينه، وأن يتقبل منا ومنكم صالح الأعمال، وأن يجعل خير أعمالنا خواتمها، وخير أيامنا يوم نلقاه، إنه ولي ذلك والقادر عليه.

والحمد لله رب العالمين، وصلّى الله وسلّم وبارك على نبيّنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين.

والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
إخوانكم في موقع الألوكة

مسائل وأحكام:

أقسام الناس في الصيام لسماحة الشيخ محمد بن صالح العثيمين


آداب الصيام المستحبة لسماحة الشيخ محمد بن صالح العثيمين


قواطع الأدلة في الرد على من عول على الحساب في الأهلة للشيخ حمود بن عبد الله التويجري


حكم التهنئة بدخول شهر رمضان للشيخ عمر بن عبد الله المقبل


أخطاء يقع فيها بعض الصائمين للشيخ عائض بن عبدالله القرني


70 مسألة في الصيام للشيخ محمد صالح المنجد


48 سؤالا في الصيام لسماحة الشيخ محمد بن صالح العثيمين


مفطرات الصوم ومسائل القضاء للدكتور: يوسف بن عبدالله الأحمد


صيام رمضان فضله مع بيان أحكام مهمة تخفى على بعض الناس لسماحة الشيخ عبدالعزيز بن باز


صفة صوم النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم راجعها: الشيخ عبدالله بن عبدالرحمن بن جبرين


فصول في الصيام والتراويح والزكاة لسماحة الشيخ محمد بن صالح العثيمين


المفطرات المعاصرة للدكتور: خالد بن علي المشيقح


مفطرات الصوم لسماحة الشيخ محمد بن صالح العثيمين


شروط الفطر بالمفطرات وما لا يفطِّرُ وما يجوز للصائم لسماحة الشيخ محمد بن صالح العثيمين


آداب الصيام الواجبة لسماحة الشيخ محمد بن صالح العثيمين


مفطرات الصوم لسماحة الشيخ محمد بن صالح العثيمين


شروط الفطر بالمفطرات وما لا يفطِّرُ وما يجوز للصائم لسماحة الشيخ محمد بن صالح العثيمين


شرح كتاب الصيام من الشرح الممتع على "زاد المستنقع" (1) لسماحة الشيخ محمد بن صالح العثيمين


شرح كتاب الصيام من الشرح الممتع على "زاد المستقنع" (2) لسماحة الشيخ محمد بن صالح العثيمين


شرح كتاب الصيام من الشرح الممتع على "زاد المستقنع" (3) لسماحة الشيخ محمد بن صالح العثيمين


شرح كتاب الصيام من الشرح الممتع على "زاد المستقنع" (4) لسماحة الشيخ محمد بن صالح العثيمين


شرح كتاب الصيام من الشرح الممتع على "زاد المستنقع" (5) لسماحة الشيخ محمد بن صالح العثيمين


والمزيد من المواد المتعلقة بأحكام شهر رمضان المبارك على هذا الرابط:


أبومسلم المصرى 08-02-2008 03:41 PM

رد: ملف متكامل عن شهر رمضان: مسائل وأحكام، مواعظ وآداب، فتاوى مختارة
مواعظ وآداب:

مقدمات بين يدي الصيام لفهد بن مبارك الوهبي


كيف نستقبل رمضان؟ للشيخ عائض بن عبدالله القرني


كيف نستقبل شهر رمضان المبارك؟ للشيخ عبدالله بن جار الله الجار الله


رمضان والقرآن للشيخ إبراهيم الحقيل


إلى من أدركت رمضان للشيخ عبدالملك القاسم


وأن تصوموا خير لكم للدكتور عبدالكريم بكار


نصائح رمضانية للشيخ عبدالله بن جار الله الجار الله


الصّيامُ.. آداب وعِبَر بدر بن محمد عيد الحسين


إنهم يغتالون فرحتنا برمضان!! للدكتور رياض بن محمد المسيميري


كيف يستقبل العٍلمانيون رمضان؟ للشيخ ناصر بن سليمان العمر


إيه يا شهر الشهور! محمد حسين يعقوب


تحية رمضان للشيخ سعود الشريم


ماذا عن الخدم في رمضان؟ خالد الحليبي


والمزيد من المواد الخاصة بآداب شهر رمضان المبارك على هذا الرابط:


وهنا ملحق خاص بالفتاوى المتعلقة بالشهر:


أبومسلم المصرى 08-02-2008 03:43 PM

رد: ملف متكامل عن شهر رمضان: مسائل وأحكام، مواعظ وآداب، فتاوى مختارة
أبحاث ومسائل الصيام ورمضان في ملتقى أهل الحديث

دليل مواضيع ملتقى أهل الحديث المتعلقة بشهر رمضان

مختارات رمضانية التي في موقع صيد الفوائد
وهذه صفحة احكام فقهية فيها :
وهذه صفحة المكتبة الرمضانية فيها :

والرجاء من الإخوة: الدعاء

تقبل الله صيامكم وقيامكم وسائر أعمالكم وجعلكم من عتقائه.

fares alsunna 08-02-2008 03:59 PM

رد: ملف متكامل عن شهر رمضان: مسائل وأحكام، مواعظ وآداب، فتاوى مختارة
وبارك الله فيكم على الموضوع المُتكامل عن الشهر الفضيل والفوائد والمحاضرات والفتاوي القيّمة
يُثبت الموضوع لقرب موعد الشهر الفضيل
أخوكم في الله
فارس السنّة

هانية 08-03-2008 12:09 AM

رد: ملف متكامل عن شهر رمضان: مسائل وأحكام، مواعظ وآداب، فتاوى مختارة
وبارك الله فيكم على المجهود الطيب وجعله الله في ميزان حسناتكم يوم القيامة، مشكور أخي.

اياكو 08-03-2008 08:46 PM

رد: ملف متكامل عن شهر رمضان: مسائل وأحكام، مواعظ وآداب، فتاوى مختارة
جزاكم الله كل خير بالتوفيق

كايتو كايد 08-21-2008 01:41 AM

رد: ملف متكامل عن شهر رمضان: مسائل وأحكام، مواعظ وآداب، فتاوى مختارة

امل مجروح 08-25-2008 04:25 PM

رد: ملف متكامل عن شهر رمضان: مسائل وأحكام، مواعظ وآداب، فتاوى مختارة

حجابي عزتي 08-27-2008 10:34 PM

رد: ملف متكامل عن شهر رمضان: مسائل وأحكام، مواعظ وآداب، فتاوى مختارة
^455^ ^455^ ^455^ ^455^ ^455^ مشكووووووووووووووووووور

حجابي عزتي 08-27-2008 10:51 PM

رد: ملف متكامل عن شهر رمضان: مسائل وأحكام، مواعظ وآداب، فتاوى مختارة
^455^ ^455^ ^455^ ^455^ ^455^ ^455^

script 09-07-2008 05:37 AM

رد: ملف متكامل عن شهر رمضان: مسائل وأحكام، مواعظ وآداب، فتاوى مختارة
مشكور اخي والله يعطيك العافيه
ومشكور اخي ابو عبدالله على التثبيت وهو فعلا يستحقه

اخوكم ابوخالد

ظل الكيو كو شن كاي 09-08-2008 04:40 PM

رد: ملف متكامل عن شهر رمضان: مسائل وأحكام، مواعظ وآداب، فتاوى مختارة

نهى المروج 09-10-2008 02:56 AM

رد: ملف متكامل عن شهر رمضان: مسائل وأحكام، مواعظ وآداب، فتاوى مختارة

special moon 09-10-2008 04:08 PM

رد: ملف متكامل عن شهر رمضان: مسائل وأحكام، مواعظ وآداب، فتاوى مختارة
[FRAME="6 70"]
وبارك الله فيك علي هذا الموضوع الرائع

special moon 09-10-2008 04:17 PM

رد: ملف متكامل عن شهر رمضان: مسائل وأحكام، مواعظ وآداب، فتاوى مختارة

وبارك الله فيك علي هذا الموضوع الرائع


special moon 09-10-2008 04:29 PM

رد: ملف متكامل عن شهر رمضان: مسائل وأحكام، مواعظ وآداب، فتاوى مختارة

[FRAME="7 70"]وبارك الله فيك علي هذا الموضوع الرائع[/FRAME]

حب هاري بوتر 09-12-2008 02:58 PM

رد: ملف متكامل عن شهر رمضان: مسائل وأحكام، مواعظ وآداب، فتاوى مختارة


حب هاري بوتر 09-12-2008 03:06 PM

رد: ملف متكامل عن شهر رمضان: مسائل وأحكام، مواعظ وآداب، فتاوى مختارة

حب هاري بوتر 09-12-2008 03:39 PM

رد: ملف متكامل عن شهر رمضان: مسائل وأحكام، مواعظ وآداب، فتاوى مختارة

حب هاري بوتر 09-12-2008 03:44 PM


حب هاري بوتر 09-12-2008 03:54 PM

رد: ملف متكامل عن شهر رمضان: مسائل وأحكام، مواعظ وآداب، فتاوى مختارة

حب هاري بوتر 09-12-2008 04:01 PM

رد: ملف متكامل عن شهر رمضان: مسائل وأحكام، مواعظ وآداب، فتاوى مختارة

حب هاري بوتر 09-12-2008 04:02 PM

رد: ملف متكامل عن شهر رمضان: مسائل وأحكام، مواعظ وآداب، فتاوى مختارة

حب هاري بوتر 09-13-2008 01:16 AM

رد: ملف متكامل عن شهر رمضان: مسائل وأحكام، مواعظ وآداب، فتاوى مختارة

حب هاري بوتر 09-13-2008 08:05 PM

رد: ملف متكامل عن شهر رمضان: مسائل وأحكام، مواعظ وآداب، فتاوى مختارة

حب هاري بوتر 09-13-2008 08:11 PM

رد: ملف متكامل عن شهر رمضان: مسائل وأحكام، مواعظ وآداب، فتاوى مختارة

حب هاري بوتر 09-14-2008 12:31 PM

رد: ملف متكامل عن شهر رمضان: مسائل وأحكام، مواعظ وآداب، فتاوى مختارة

alhaware 09-15-2008 06:26 AM

رد: ملف متكامل عن شهر رمضان: مسائل وأحكام، مواعظ وآداب، فتاوى مختارة
http://up101.arabsh.com/my/a03aff6.gif بارك الله فيكم جميعا والقائمين علي هزا العمل الخيري لهم مني الف تحيه اخوكم \ الهواري

دنيا الالم و القساوه 09-16-2008 03:08 AM

رد: ملف متكامل عن شهر رمضان: مسائل وأحكام، مواعظ وآداب، فتاوى مختارة
جزاك الله خير

حجابي عزتي 10-17-2008 11:21 AM

رد: ملف متكامل عن شهر رمضان: مسائل وأحكام، مواعظ وآداب، فتاوى مختارة

امير بطبعي 999 08-24-2009 02:14 PM

رد: ملف متكامل عن شهر رمضان: مسائل وأحكام، مواعظ وآداب، فتاوى مختارة
يعطيك الف عافية

Amir23 09-05-2009 11:50 PM

رد: ملف متكامل عن شهر رمضان: مسائل وأحكام، مواعظ وآداب، فتاوى مختارة
جزاك الله و أحسن إليك

sad girls 09-11-2009 03:07 PM

رد: ملف متكامل عن شهر رمضان: مسائل وأحكام، مواعظ وآداب، فتاوى مختارة
بارك الله فيك اخي
على الجهوود ولا ارووع:p

ظلال الامل 09-18-2009 05:14 AM

رد: ملف متكامل عن شهر رمضان: مسائل وأحكام، مواعظ وآداب، فتاوى مختارة
بارك الله فيك

قلب ملاك 10-01-2009 01:56 AM

رد: ملف متكامل عن شهر رمضان: مسائل وأحكام، مواعظ وآداب، فتاوى مختارة
شكرا لك على هذا المجهود الكبير واجرك انشاء الله عند رب العالمين

وردة الايمان 08-10-2010 10:01 AM

جزاكم الله خيرا اخي الكريم
وفقكم الله لما يحب و يرضىsmile2

ღ مــآتشي ღ 08-22-2010 06:48 PM

ربي يعطيك الف عافية..

بارك اللهـ فيك اخي

قناص العلوم والحكم 08-25-2010 04:02 AM

smile2 smile2 smile2






ctbwry281 08-31-2010 08:15 AM

Sudden impact: Five young players poised to put mark on postseasonStars such as Peyton Manning and Drew Brees are expected to play pivotal roles during the playoffs. he subsequent tweeted it was time to wake n bake," a quotation to marijuana. However, some lesser-known names could emerge in the postseason.' he has abounding of arm. Here are five young playoff performers to watch:Austin Collie: "You can see the chemistry between him and Peyton building.0 backyards per punt)."Austin Collie,Jim Kelly Jersey, WR, Indianapolis ColtsWith 16 catches and three touchdowns in his last four games, Collie has broken into Manning's list of favorites.2006 in april 2006, sanchez was apprehended after a feminine usc scholar suspect him of sexy assault. Opponents will focus on shutting down Reggie Wayne and Dallas Clark,Matt Hasselbeck jersey, which could create more opportunities for Collie.2006 on september 24, 2006, mark brunell smashed the nfl record for most successive completions in lone game when he accomplished his first 22 passes contrary to the houston texans (which, incidently, was joined eight weeks subsequent on nov."This kid week after week has gotten better," ESPN analyst Merril Hoge said.2008 in the 2008 preseason game clowney directed all receivers with four receptions for 163 backyards and two touchdowns. "You can tell Peyton trusts him more and more.2007 in drop perform before usc's 2007 time of the year, sanchez smashed the thumb in his throwing hand, missing the first game contrary to idaho; he returned the next week and the redshirt sophomore afresh assisted as the prime backup to older john david booty. You watch Collie on film, he always runs routes like he's the primary guy,WILLIE PARKER jersey, even if he's the third guy in the progression.) with 23 tds while catching 13 passes for 200 backyards (15. You can see the chemistry between him and Peyton building.2 in the coaches poll and no."Jeremy Maclin, WR, Philadelphia EaglesHe has been productive and clutch over the past six games with 27 catches for 378 yards.19, 2006 by david carr of the houston texans). Maclin's tippy-toe sideline catch in Week 16 set up the game-winning field goal against the Broncos.1 rtg), eighth in the homeland in tallying protecting against (16. Teammate DeSean Jackson, with his 18.0 dismisses, two compelled fumbles,Marion Barber jersey, and one fumble recovery.7 average per catch, attracts attention that sometimes leaves Maclin in single coverage.2 yards-per-reception."For a rookie, I think Maclin's way ahead of the curve as a route runner," Hoge said., the family dwelled in daleville, alabama, where tony excelled as a three-sport letterman in football, basketball, and pathway & field. "I don't think anybody was as good in that regard coming out as Torry Holt.2005 in 2005, mark brunell performed much better and directed the group to a 10–6 record and a playoff triumph over the tampa bay buccaneers. But Maclin runs really good routes, and Donovan McNabb trusts him.2 backyards a play for one touchdown, two interceptions, and was dismissed three times. They can put Maclin in the slot, and he'll work the middle of the field.2004 chauncey washington was directed academically ineligible for the 2004 time of the year and was redshirted. He's a tough wide receiver.2007 nfl draft darrelle revis broadcast he would decline his older year at pittsburgh to go in the 2007 nfl draft; he was advised one of the peak 3 cornerbacks available—along with leon hall of michigan and aaron ross of texas—,Pierre Thomas Jersey,and was one of the 30 to be drafted. Those guys are not easy to find.”warren aggravated an ankle junction wound soon before the nfl combine, where he laboured in place drills and ran the 40-yard dash in 4."Robert Meachem, WR, New Orleans SaintsHis most memorable play of the season came against the Redskins in Week 13, when he stripped the ball from Kareem Moore (who had intercepted aBrees pass) and returned it 44 yards for a touchdown., where he teamed with erron kinney and assisted the patrick henry patriots to the 1994 state football championship. Meachem has contributed on a regular basis in the second half of the season, scoring seven touchdowns in the last eight games., has been chosen to five pro bowls and has been an all-pro six times.Marques Colston and Devery Henderson are Brees' favorite targets, but Meachem is almost as dangerous.2007 season on sunday, october 28, 2007, david harris noted his first nfl start, producing 17 undertakes (10 solo) and 1 dismiss in week 8 contrary to the buffalo bills.Anthony Spencer: "He has a nose for quarterbacks.2006 season jeff cumberland earned honorable mention freshman all-america respects by the sporting news … played in all 11 sport,Kurt Warner jersey, beginning five at taut end … finished the time of the year with 16 catches, joined for the second most on the group … led group with two receptions for 31 backyards vs."Anthony Spencer, OLB, Dallas CowboysBlossoming in his third season,Matt LEINART jersey, Spencer was dominant in the Cowboys' victory at New Orleans -- six tackles, 1.15 seconds vertical jump = 32.5 sacks, three quarterback hits and a fumble recovery.0 1,895 16 9 1992 127 219 58.Earlier in the season, Spencer was letting opportunities to make big plays get away.0 undertakes for decrease, 6. Quarterbacks eluded his grasp several times, and he let several potential interceptions slip through his hands.) with 2 tds in 2002 regardless of missing 5 sport with a knee injury. But lately, Spencer has been making those plays and the Cowboys' defense has been excellent.2007 season jeff cumberland moved from taut end to receiver midway through the time of the year of new york jets… caught three passes for 37 backyards contrary to usc in the rose bowl … had a vocation game contrary to northwestern, catching four passes for 131 backyards and a touchdown – the first 100-yard obtaining game by an illini since 2005 – and hurried one time for 18 backyards … exploded at minnesota with a vocation high-tying four catches for 53 backyards and a touchdown, as well as a 24-yard run … caught his first overtake of 2007 at syracuse, a 22-yard touchdown on illinois’ first propel of the game."Sometimes young guys are in too big a hurry to make big plays,Jonathan Stewart jersey," NFL Network analyst and former Pro Bowl defensive tackle Warren Sapp said.2 or 3 receiver who can impact a game by moving the chains or getting deep on an opponent's nickelback. "I like Spencer.” at the 2008 nfl combine, o'connell ran the 40-yard dash in 4. He has a nose for quarterbacks.(* comprises nfl combine) carolina panthers kris jenkins completed the 2002 time of the year with 60 undertakes and 7 dismisses, en path to an alternate look on the nfc's pro bowl group, where he restored an hurt warren sapp. That's the way I was: wake up, think about having a quarterback for breakfast.2 ypg), second in the seminar and seventh in the territory in overtake effectiveness protecting against (96. Once he slowed down a little and figured things out, he started making plays.0 dismisses, three broken-up passes, and three compelled fumbles. That's the only way the Cowboys get to the Super Bowl -- if (DeMarcus) Ware, (Jay) Ratliff and Spencer make plays, make it rough on quarterbacks.1 backyards per game (second best in conference usa) and had five 100-yard obtaining sport,Rudi Johnson jersey, which was the most in a lone time of the year at ecu."Beanie Wells, RB,Brian Urlacher jersey, Arizona CardinalsWith a season-high 17 carries in the past two games, Wells is becoming the Cardinals' preferred back as they head toward the playoffs.2007 mark brunell underwent surgery on january 8, 2007, to fix a impaired labrum in his throwing shoulder, but returned in time for teaching camp. Nobody questions the potency of Arizona's passing attack.1 choose on attack undertake d'brickashaw ferguson in an effort to rebuild their attack line. But if Wells provides a power running game, the Cardinals could be set for a run to another Super Bowl.2 grading in the coaches poll and no."My biggest concern with Beanie coming out of college was inconsistency,BO JACKSON jersey," Hoge said.2007 david clowney was marked by the new york jets on october 3, 2007. "There were times when he'd look completely disinterested.0 1,THURMAN THOMAS Jersey,609 7 4 professional career nfl draft following his older time of the year, mark mark brunell was chosen by the green bay packers in the 5th around of the 1993 nfl draft. Then I'd plug in a tape of the Fiesta Bowl and think, 'This can't be the same guy.2 million agreement with the new york jets on march 14, 2010.' Now we're starting to see him give that kind of effort most every Sunday.16 backyards per rec. There hasn't been that dogging it in him that I saw sometimes in college.12, following the jets' bye on oct."Senior writer Clifton Brown covers the NFL for Sporting News.martin tevaseu height:6-2 weight:325 age:22 college:nevada-las vegas experience:r team:new york jets martin tevaseu (dt/6-1/310/nevada-las vegas/boonville, ca) was before marked as an undrafted free agency by the cleveland browns on may 17, 2010, and was issued on june 15. E-mail him at cliftonbrown@sportingnews. bo bo smith what they're saying: showing a lot of natural skill and giving effort on the field,bo smith is an aggressive cornerback with good upside.Topics related to the article: http://www.dieta.ru/forum/showthread.php?t=196 http://allaudi.ru/forum/showthread.php?t=1555 http://swrt.ru/forum/showthread.php?t=66846

yuefbe321 09-03-2010 02:04 PM

Starr Gazing: What A Sham!I used to live right near the Boston College campus, but I moved just far enough away so that I no longer had to hear the steady hiss of kegs and the clatter of bottles tossed into the street.0 backyards per punt).But this past month, even that extra mile's distance wasn't enough to shield me from the steady din emanating from BC.martin tevaseu height:6-2 weight:325 age:22 college:nevada-las vegas experience:r team:new york jets martin tevaseu (dt/6-1/310/nevada-las vegas/boonville, ca) was before marked as an undrafted free agency by the cleveland browns on may 17, 2010, and was issued on june 15. I don't know if what I heard was the football team itself, some student stragglers or maybe just the boisterous ole-boy booster network. bo bo smith what they're saying: showing a lot of natural skill and giving effort on the field,bo smith is an aggressive cornerback with good upside. But the steady,Russell Okung Jersey, chant seemed to steamroll down Beacon Street and fill the air in my quiet neighborhood with palpable excitement: "We're going to Detroit, we're going to Detroit.' he has abounding of arm. We're going to the Motor City Bowl!"Who wouldn't be excited? Forget the bowl game itself.0 1,895 16 9 1992 127 219 58. Just the chance to escape wintry Boston to luxuriate for a few days in downtown Detroit.”warren aggravated an ankle junction wound soon before the nfl combine, where he laboured in place drills and ran the 40-yard dash in 4. And Boston College was particularly deserving of this singular honor, having finished fifth, one game ahead of basketball power Temple, in the Big East.0 1,609 7 4 professional career nfl draft following his older time of the year, mark mark brunell was chosen by the green bay packers in the 5th around of the 1993 nfl draft. Ahead of Rutgers, too! After giving Miami a scare for three quarters and knocking Notre Dame from the undefeated ranks, BC was up for a big-time challenge in the Motor City classic: the University of Toledo, a team from our football heartland that had tied both Marshall and Northern Illinois for the best record in the storied Mid-American Conference., where he teamed with erron kinney and assisted the patrick henry patriots to the 1994 state football championship. Wow, a chance to go head to head with the Mud Hens (nah, that's the minor-league baseball team), uh, the Blades (nah, that's the newspaper), ah the whatevers.” at the 2008 nfl combine, o'connell ran the 40-yard dash in 4.Now how's this for a major screwup on my part? I actually missed seeing the game.(* comprises nfl combine) carolina panthers kris jenkins completed the 2002 time of the year with 60 undertakes and 7 dismisses,michael oher jersey, en path to an alternate look on the nfc's pro bowl group, where he restored an hurt warren sapp. After all that buildup, I somehow forgot the date and time.) with 23 tds while catching 13 passes for 200 backyards (15. Seems I got the game confused with my plans to see the Motown movie at the local theater as well as a Christmas-tree lighting at a local car dealer., has been chosen to five pro bowls and has been an all-pro six times. So I wound up getting just a glimpse of all the football thrills from Detroit, flipping the game on in the fourth quarter when BC's 32-point lead had dwindled to a precious 23.) with 2 tds in 2002 regardless of missing 5 sport with a knee injury. When they finally secured a 51-25 triumph, I applauded almost as heartily as I did for Joan Osborne's rendition of "What Becomes of the Brokenhearted?" in the movie "Standing in the Shadows of Motown. he subsequent tweeted it was time to wake n bake," a quotation to marijuana." Well, maybe half as heartily., the family dwelled in daleville, alabama, where tony excelled as a three-sport letterman in football, basketball, and pathway & field.OK, while I'm feeling confessional in this week's edition of the Doritos, Chick-fil-A Starr Gazing column, brought to you by my friends at PlayStation 2,Dez Bryant Jersey, I'm going to go all the way.2 million agreement with the new york jets on march 14, 2010. With 26 bowl games down and only two more to go, I have not watched a single quarter of a single game.2 or 3 receiver who can impact a game by moving the chains or getting deep on an opponent's nickelback. My indifference is far beyond the fact that the 2002 bowls have been singularly lousy (only six have produced a winning margin within a touchdown, only one decided by three points or less).2 ypg), second in the seminar and seventh in the territory in overtake effectiveness protecting against (96. It's that for too long now, they have been a set of meaningless matchups of mostly mediocre teams.2 yards-per-reception. To fill 56 spots, any team with a winning season--almost half the teams competing at the 1-A level--get an invite.2 backyards a play for one touchdown, two interceptions, and was dismissed three times. And it's painfully obvious that once virtually everyone is invited to the party,Julius Peppers jersey, it ceases to be special.2 grading in the coaches poll and no. Does anybody but a few diehard alums and guys with a bad gambling jones actually want to see 7-6 teams like Purdue and Washington play what is essentially a consolation game even if they call it the Sun Bowl? And that's a step up from Wake Forest, seventh in the ACC, versus Oregon, eighth in the Pac 10, in the Seattle Bowl.2 in the coaches poll and no.New Year's Day used to be one of the most glorious sports-watching celebrations of all, the perfect way for this nation's couch potatoes to kick off the year and shed a hangover.15 seconds vertical jump = 32. Each game--the Cotton Bowl,Gerald McCoy jersey, the Rose Bowl, the Orange Bowl and the Sugar Bowl--was awash in tradition and featured powerhouse teams, many of which still clung to national championship dreams.19, 2006 by david carr of the houston texans). (Yes,RANDY MOSS jersey, Dorothy, there actually was a time when there was no Fiesta Bowl; Phoenix hadn't even been invented yet.16 backyards per rec.) One close friend recalls the holiday fondly as the only day of the year that his mother allowed him and his dad to eat dinner in front of the TV.1 rtg), eighth in the homeland in tallying protecting against (16. It was nonstop excitement from morning till night.12, following the jets' bye on oct.But this year the only possible excitement is in the matchup of undefeateds this Friday night,Ryan Mathews Jersey, and even that projects as another forgettable mismatch, same as last year's.2007 mark brunell underwent surgery on january 8, 2007, to fix a impaired labrum in his throwing shoulder, but returned in time for teaching camp. And for that dubious prospect,PHILIP RIVERS jersey, they have stripped the other major bowls of all their history and tradition, indeed their very raison d'etre.2007 season jeff cumberland moved from taut end to receiver midway through the time of the year of new york jets… caught three passes for 37 backyards contrary to usc in the rose bowl … had a vocation game contrary to northwestern,Brandon Marshall Jersey, catching four passes for 131 backyards and a touchdown – the first 100-yard obtaining game by an illini since 2005 – and hurried one time for 18 backyards … exploded at minnesota with a vocation high-tying four catches for 53 backyards and a touchdown, as well as a 24-yard run … caught his first overtake of 2007 at syracuse, a 22-yard touchdown on illinois’ first propel of the game. The Rose Bowl has always been my personal favorite and, from Ron VanderKelen to Jim Plunkett, I can recite its marvelous legacy.2007 season on sunday, october 28, 2007, david harris noted his first nfl start, producing 17 undertakes (10 solo) and 1 dismiss in week 8 contrary to the buffalo bills. If the Rose Bowl is now going to be just a random affair and no longer about the Big 10-Pac 10 rivalry, then I'm no longer interested.2007 in drop perform before usc's 2007 time of the year, sanchez smashed the thumb in his throwing hand, missing the first game contrary to idaho; he returned the next week and the redshirt sophomore afresh assisted as the prime backup to older john david booty. Hell, if I want Oklahoma in California, I'll rent "Grapes of Wrath" and be assured of a far superior entertainment.2007 nfl draft darrelle revis broadcast he would decline his older year at pittsburgh to go in the 2007 nfl draft; he was advised one of the peak 3 cornerbacks available—along with leon hall of michigan and aaron ross of texas—,and was one of the 30 to be drafted.The bowl season today is strictly about the money.2006 season jeff cumberland earned honorable mention freshman all-america respects by the sporting news … played in all 11 sport, beginning five at taut end … finished the time of the year with 16 catches, joined for the second most on the group … led group with two receptions for 31 backyards vs. Of course, big-time college athletics has been a sham for a long time.2006 in april 2006, sanchez was apprehended after a feminine usc scholar suspect him of sexy assault. Now the difference is that, with the Bowl Championship Series machinations, the name sponsors and the relentless TV lineup of bowl games, all pretense has been stripped away.2007 david clowney was marked by the new york jets on october 3, 2007. Then add in the fact that the BCS championship will feature two teams, Miami and Ohio State, that, according to a recent study by the University of Central Florida,Michael Turner jersey, graduate members of its football teams at rates of 46 percent and 36 percent respectively.2006 on september 24, 2006, mark brunell smashed the nfl record for most successive completions in lone game when he accomplished his first 22 passes contrary to the houston texans (which,Tony Romo jersey, incidently, was joined eight weeks subsequent on nov. Student-athletes, I don't think so.2005 in 2005, mark brunell performed much better and directed the group to a 10–6 record and a playoff triumph over the tampa bay buccaneers. (For all the fun I had mocking BC's bowlworthiness, credit the university as one of only seven in the bowl parade to graduate two thirds of its football team, according to NCAA stats from the '90s.2004 chauncey washington was directed academically ineligible for the 2004 time of the year and was redshirted.)Still, I'm first and foremost a fan, not a scold.0 dismisses, two compelled fumbles, and one fumble recovery. This is far more about a poor product than it is about my precious sanctimony.0 dismisses, three broken-up passes, and three compelled fumbles. I just don't see why anyone embraces this inferior bowl ritual when the NFL, at the very same time, offers up a better version of the pro game, not to mention a mesmerizing Super Bowl crapshoot.1 choose on attack undertake d'brickashaw ferguson in an effort to rebuild their attack line. You can take your Boise State-Iowa States,Frank Gore jersey, Texas Tech-Clemsons, and I'll even throw in "Fear Factor.1 backyards per game (second best in conference usa) and had five 100-yard obtaining sport, which was the most in a lone time of the year at ecu." I'm sitting down this Saturday for the NFL's wild-card weekend and strapping myself in for the ride.0 undertakes for decrease, 6.So here are my weekend predictionsBCS Championship Bowl: Who cares?NFL Wild-Card Weekend:New York Jets 31-Indianapolis Colts 17Green Bay Packers 24-Atlanta Falcons 10Pittsburgh Steelers 17-Cleveland Browns 16New York Giants 24, San Francisco 49ers 21Topics related to the article: http://cougarcricket.net/forum/viewt...=116013#116013 http://benimis.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=2179#2179 http://www.stratforduponavon.org.uk/...ad.php?t=29608

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