الموضوع: The Act of True Love
عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 04-14-2016, 09:22 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته ..


How are you dear
I wish you are fine

1st thing .. thank you sooo much for the lovely invitation
I loved it because you said that the true love is not boy & girl always , & as every one knows me know that I dislike romantic

Than .. I love the subject because it contains english words & phrases
And they are from the movie Frozen ,, the truth is I didn’t like so much ,, but really I loooooooved the photos which you choosed

Amazing hider & background for every charecter

so lovely

but I prefer Anna hh

I can not put all the photos because all of they are sooo lovely

hooow I looooooved selfie’s ones

the best

wooooooow sogoooooy desni

and the best of the best

Thanks so much again
very lovely subject & photos

I wish you succesness & happiness

دمتم في حفظ الرحمن ..
سبحان الله .. الحمد لله .. الله أكبر
~ سبحان الله وبحمده ~

يا رب .. اغفر الذنب .. وفرج الكرب .. واسعد القلب
لكل المؤمنين يا إلـه العالمين

لموسةة ~ يا سانجيكتوو
أريجاتو غوزايماس على العيدية الكيووت
الله يسعدج ويوفقج يا بنت
>> يب ويهنيكيـ مع سانجيكيـ xD

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