الموضوع: freinds 4 ever
عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 12-12-2007, 12:02 AM
رد: freinds 4 ever

Good Morning J

Do you know the relation between your two eyes?
They blink together,they move together,they cry together,they see things together and they sleep together.
Even though they never see each other..........Frienship should be
just like that.!!!!!!!!

Life is like hell without FRIENDS.
IT'S 'WORLD BEST FRIEND WEEK'.Who is your best Friend?

Send this to all your good friends.Even me, if I am one of them
See how many you get back.
If you get more
than 3, then you are a really lovable person.


Yes, My Lord

لديّ أسلوبي! .. لديّ طريقتي! .. لديّ أفكاري!
أيًا يكن .. فلا زلت لا أستطيع الجزم بأنك تستطيع فهمي .. ولا أستطيع رفع يدي اليمنى لأقسم لك بسلامة أفكارك كحدٍ أدنى بجواري!

Ciel Phantomhive .. Rest In Piece ^_~
Good Bye Everybody ^_^
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