عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 07-31-2010, 11:01 AM
making an estimate of the price of the Christian L

The anchor says that Jordanians and Iraqis in Jordan have praised the rare courage of Al-Zaydi, by which he embodies the feelings of the Arab people who reject the US occupation Correspondent Tariq al-Sawa'ir in Amman reports that "the Iraqis residing in Jordan consider Muntazar al-Zaydi's attack on US President Bush and his insult to him a natural reaction to Bush's crimes in Iraq". Muhammad Bashar al-Faydi, the spokesman of the Iraqi Association of Muslim Scholars, who seems to be in Amman and who was not identified by the correspondent or on the screen, says: "This action was not a transient event or a per-sonal behaviour but it was an expression of the anger that fills the hearts of millions of the Iraqi people who have been suffering from the occupation in terms of killing, destruction, and the dissipation of their rights". Al-Sawa'ir says that "some of the Iraqis in Jordan described Muntazar al-Zaydi as a hero and some began making an estimate of the price of the Christian Louboutin that was thrown in the face of a head of state who wreaked havoc in this world" A man says: "This is an Iraqi hero He has raised the heads of all Iraqis and blackened the face of Bush with this shoe" Another says: "This is the most priceless pair of christian shoes in the world". Concluding his report, Al-sawa'ir says: "It was alleged that some of the Iraqis received the occupiers with flowers, but it will be said that others bid them goodbye with their Christian Louboutin ". Anchorwoman Sahar Khaddur then reads Arab reactions to the incident She says: "The Arab Journalists Federation has demanded the release of Iraqi Journalist Muntazar al-Zaydi The Arab Lawyers Federation called for providing Al-Zaydi with a fair trial, adding that the Federation will form a committee to make sure that a fair trial is held for him The Iraqi lawyer Khalil al-Dulaymi. has announced that over 200 Arab and foreign journalists, including Americans, expressed readiness to defend the Iraqi reporter,louboutin, free of charge Hezbollah has affirmed that what the Iraqi reporter did was a fitting expression of the Iraqi people's rejection of the occupation Hezbollah called on local and Arab media to express solidar-ity with the reporter and participate in a campaign to release him. 相关的主题文章: Gucci. Christian Louboutin. Ferragamo In Short, Milan!;The New Look Takes Hold in Spring Design ReviewFashion,The Spotlight's on Gucci